
The Amazing Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas

Sitting in front of a computer has become a staple of modern life. The hours we spend huddled over our desks are the only hours we spend interacting w...

Walk your way to lose weight

If nothing, the pandemic taught us the value of natural air and exercising over the past couple of years. Whether to escape work from home or vent out...

Don't Let Age Make You Play a Passive Role: Try Anti-Aging Medicine Now

Are your energy levels going down as the years go up? Do you feel drained of energy, weaker, and face more health challenges than ever before? Is it b...

Yoga: An effective way to wellness and health

With the advent of the pandemic, when we were forced to retreat away from the physical world, most of us unrolled our yoga mats and found a way to ret...

Three effective ways to manage stress

In this post-pandemic time, mental health is very often overlooked. With the current pace of life, it can be difficult for people to take care of them...

Stress Management

Three effective ways to manage stress  In this post-pandemic time, mental health is very often overlooked. With the current pace of life, it can ...

The Connection Between Autism and the Gut

Up to 90% of people with autism, which is characterized by “impaired social communication and repetitive and stereotyped behavior, interests, or...